Android Graphics Library
Android libraries, regardless of their stack or platform are a big game change in the field of digital software development. With efficient libraries by your side, you can leverage the tech functionality to its full potential with less boilerplate code. Therefore, here is the Android studio library list of best and latest Android libraries 2022 for Dependency Injector.
While creating an Android app that has various dynamic components, you may be dealing with various issues when communicating with each other. EventBus is probably the best library that was principally made to take care of this issue utilizing the publisher/subscriber design.
This Android framework and library has worked on and simplified the communication between parts, decouples, event senders, and collectors. Additionally, performs well with Activities, Fragments, and background threads. Every one of the various classes that are associated with this library are totally decoupled from one another, prompting code that is less complex and easier to keep up and troubleshoot.
This library primarily aims at making the scrolling process for any list of images as smooth as it can be. More so, it is also effective in case you need to fetch, resize, or even display a remote image.
In-built to the Android Support Library, the Android Databinding library requires the least of Android Studio Version 1.3 in order to work. Unlike ButterKnife, this view-binding library for Android does not use annotations. It allows you to bind UI components in the layouts to data sources in the app with the help of declarative format instead of programmatically.
Object Box is a widely used Android databinding library that allows you to devote your valuable time to Various USPs of the product instead of storing and retrieving data. This library acts as an object oriented embedded database considered as a right alternative for SQLite. Since its documentations and portfolio are well defined, it is a perfect suit for IoT (Internet of Things) apps.
This library provides end to end visibility and helps to debug issues. HyperTrack SDK pushes log to the Hyperlog server, and the server makes use of ELK stack to process the logs and visualize them on Kibana.
This library is considered unbeatable by Android app developers because it simplifies the process to chain async operations, opens a more explicit way to declare how concurrent operations should work, is able to highlight errors sooner than other libraries, among other things.
This library offers various benefits like: alpha animation on touch, fitting text field position itself during an animation, transformation between a pie diagram and a ring chart, animation while drawing charts and so on.
It is quite interesting that you can use this library for efficient testing purposes as well. It was precisely released from under-2 clause BSD license and its documentation is definitely worthy of using it on current Android apps.
A part of the Android testing support library, Espresso is evidently a test framework that enables developers to build user interface tests for Android applications. Implying that this library lets you write tests and check whether the text of a TextView is similar to another text or not. It imparts the impression of a real user using the app, running both on real devices as well as emulators.
Robolectric is another unparalleled unit testing library. What this library does is that it handles inflation of resource loading, views, including other things. It makes the tests created in the library more efficacious and potent in performing functions that real devices with Android framework dependencies perform. In a sense, Robolectric simulates the Android SDK for the tests, eliminating the need for additional mocking frameworks like Mockito.
So these were some of the Android native library lists that offer great support to the Android developers. Making use of these libraries the developers create responsive mobile apps that save time and are highly efficient.
Some googling has led me to believe that C++ is the best language for real-time 2D graphics programming, but since the Android is Java-based, is that still the best option Or us the fact that I have to use NDK going to slow it down or something My program also has a lot of scientific computing and I know C++ is best/fastest for that...
OpenGL works for 3D and 2D graphics - if you're only interested in 2D you will want to look at using an Orthographic Projection - see glOrtho for more information. The Android Canvas, on the other hand, is the Java method for drawing raster graphics to the screen. It will let you render 2D graphics, but at a slower rate (and with frequent interruptions from the Android Garbage Collector).
All that said, I would strongly recommend you look into one of the few open source android game engines that are cropping up. The best one I've tried is libGDX. It takes care of all the messy NDK details and lets you code your game / simulation purely in Java. It automatically runs the performance-heavy parts of the game engine in native code to get the fastest possible performance with the ease of coding in Java. Best of all, you can write your application code once and have it automatically run on Windows, Linux, OSX and Android - which makes testing your applications much, much easier than using the Android Emulator.
I am amazed that the Android x86 is not marketed heavier as a competitor to Windows on netbooks, for the common man, doing some documents, some calculations, email and Google I believe the Crome OS is too alien for most people and most people have Android phones, feeling home. As a SW vendor I would like to see Android netbooks marketed much more and I would put more effort in SW development. Same thing with the Android TV without menus is closing the market for just the old Smart-TV approach. Something I can't understand having a boxed Win10 on the back of my TV since years, using a lot of programs there. The lack of Android graphics driver for the Raspberry-pie is also hard to understand, one with a regular Android would be smashing attached to the TV. In Sweden where I live, people under 40 don't watch aired TV, they stream, public service play, YouTube and Cable TV operators packages over internet. Having regular Android in the TV would generate usage of a lot of other apps. I see a market opportunity for SW vendors is closed. This when MS is making suicide with leased SW (normal people don't pay) mixing the culture of large accounts with the common man, a huge marketing window is opened. And the Android app performance is real good and nothing to worry about. It is not performance but marketing policies that limits the app market.
A native Java class library, which provides your Android application with rich capabilities for creating, editing and visualizing graphs, networks, flowcharts, algorithms, genealogy trees and much more.
hellocharts-android is a charting library for Android compatible with API 8+(Android 2.2). Works best when hardware acceleration is available, so API 14+ (Android 4.0) is recommended.
Unity supports DirectX, Metal, OpenGL, and Vulkan graphics APIs, depending on the availability of the API on a particular platform. Unity uses a built-in set of graphics APIs, or the graphics APIs that you select in the Editor.
To override the default graphics APIs and use an alternate graphics API for the Editor and Player, uncheck the relevant Auto Graphics API, click the plus (+) button and choose the graphics API from the drop-down menu.
For information on how graphics rendering behaves between the platforms and ShaderA program that runs on the GPU. More infoSee in Glossary language semantics, see Platform-specific rendering differences. Tessellation and geometry shaders are only supported by a subset of graphics APIs. This is controlled by the Shader Compilation Target level.
Since 2001, OGRE has grown to become one of the most popular open-source graphics rendering engines, and has been used in a large number of production projects, in such diverse areas as games, simulators, educational software, interactive art, scientific visualisation, and others.
Simple DirectMedia Layer is a cross-platform development library designed to provide low level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick, and graphics hardware via OpenGL and Direct3D. It is used by video playback software, emulators, and popular games including Valve's award winning catalog and many Humble Bundle games.
Khronos has introduced a new extension named VK_EXT_graphics_pipeline_library that allows for shaders to be compiled much earlier than at full Pipeline State Object (PSO) creation time. By leveraging this extension, I was able to avoid many causes of frame hitches due to PSOs being late-created at draw time in the Source 2 Vulkan renderer.
Demonstrates the use of the reworked synchronization api introduced with VK_KHR_synchronization2. This sample uses the new extension to streamline memory barriers used for compute and graphics work submissions.
Android is enabling a host of useful new Vulkan extensions for mobile. These new extensions are set to improve the state of graphics APIs for modern applications, enabling new use cases and changing how developers can design graphics renderers going forward.
The release of the Vulkan SC 1.0 specification on March 1, 2022 marked an important milestone in delivering a new generation of safety-critical APIs. Based on the Vulkan 1.2 API, Vulkan SC meets the needs of safety-critical systems to leverage the performance of modern GPUs to satisfy their graphics and compute requirements.
Processing is a great environment to create sophisticated graphics, and it comes with an OpenGL library that can be used in all modes. On the Android, Processing takes advantage of the graphics processing unit, or GPU, built into the mobile device. Only hardware acceleration makes it possible to animate thousands of data p